What is Influencer in social media ?
How an Influencer earns money from Instagram?
Influencer Market Size
The global influencer marketing platform market size to grow from USD 6.0 billion in 2020 to USD 24.1 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 32.0% during the forecast period. So, you may understand the market size of Influencer.
Effectiveness of this Marketing
80% of marketers say influencer marketing is effective, and 89% say it works just as well (if not better) than other marketing channels. 71% of marketers say the quality of customers and traffic from influencer marketing is better than other sources. So, let's talk about the something miracle in social media Influencer.
Some of the most Famous Social Media influencers with Followers and Earning in Instagram
Let's say something interesting things. Cristiano Ronaldo have 351 Million Followers. Do you know that Cristiano Ronaldo earns $1.6 Million dollars for per Instagram sponsored post. And it makes him the most paid Influencer of all time. The Rock who demands $1.52 million dollar after Fast and Furious 7 is the second biggest Influencer with 272 Million followers in Instagram. The third biggest Influencer is Ariana Grande with 269 Million Followers and demand 1.52 Million dollars for per sponsor post. 4 th and 5th biggest influencers are Kylie Jenner and Selena Gomez with 273 Million and 266 Million followers and demands 1.49 Million and 1.46 Million dollars for sponsor posts. It seems like reality stars, singers, and athletes are the biggest influencers.
How to be successful in social media as an Influencer
Right now, you may asked me I am not a single, not actor. I don't have followers in social media like them. But right now, please focus it and note it. In 2021, It's possible to get followers and successful not like them but you might satisfied what you have.
How to be successful in Instagram
This tips are not for jokers who don' want to work. If you want to earn money by Influencing you must have a good amount of followers. As a beginner You must invest your times like 6 to 12 months and work hard and be consistent in this work. This tips are not like that today you work and upload 5 pictures on Instagram and overnight you get millions of followers. If you thought like that you are a fool.
So, I think you all understand that you need to wait much and work hard. You must work with your heart and soul to become successful in this platform.
Tip Number-1 Work in a niche(Category). You must work in a niche. If you a food blogger you need to upload different type of foods photos. If you are a pet lover you upload different types of pet pictures. The reason of working in a niche is when advatiser or someone wants to promote his product thought your profile that's easy for him to select you. Because you are working on this niche and if you have a handsome followers it's easy to get sponsores. Tip number-2 you must be consistent because I see lots of people who did not successful for this. You need to try at least upload one picture in a day.
How to understand your Profile or Channel value?
So right now for helping you, I want to share you an website named Social BlueBook (I am not an Affiliater or Promote it) where you can find the value of YouTube Channel, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok's value.
How much you can earn by Influencing in Instagram as a Beginner?
This is a great a question because video and photos are in different rates. So, let me show an average earning which Instagram Influencers are made. When you reach 1000 followers in Instagram, a lots of monetization is open for you. When, you reach 5000 followers with 50% engagement you are in promoting in the 2nd position to build a good profile. Instagram influencers with under 10,000 followers can make, on average, $88.00 per post. Those with under 100,000 followers average $200.00 per post, but these numbers often vary account to account. Most accounts in this level are instead, gifted with free products or discounts for posting.
When you reach 100k followers you demand $1000 for per single sponsor post. Those with 500,000 followers can charge $2,000 to $3,000 per sponsored photo posted. Aren't that's great?
How much you can earn by Influencing in YouTube as a Beginner?
If you have an established YouTube channel. So, that's great because Video influencers earns : $500 to $5,000+ per video. Here are the going rates based on the influencer's number of followers on YouTube: 50,000 to 100,000 channel subscribers: $500 to $1,000 per video. 100,000 to 500,000 channel subscribers $1,000 to $3,000 per video. So, you might thought I am joking but that's really. So, work hard and stay consistent and get the success in your hand. If you are rich by reading this article so don't forget me.